
Early Tech Publications

In porting my blog to Statiq, I was forced to revisit a whole lot of content, most of which is more than a decade old. As part of this review, I cleaned up old broken links, of which there were many. I would estimate that 60% of the web links I had from my original blog pages were to sites or content that no longer existed. This says a lot about how the web has evolved and how much content turns over as time progresses.


Spring Batch - Java Batch Processing

Eliminating or reducing enterprise system batch processing is the bane of many architects looking to convert large-scale legacy systems to current platforms. Some believe, rightly or wrongly so, that mainframe-style batch has no place in modern system architectures and attempt to eradicate its existence entirely. Others are a bit more accepting and attempt to understand the role that batch processing fills in enterprise application architectural space. Even for these people, finding people with the skills to engineer batch processing systems with these newer technologies is not an easy proposition since little or nothing has been written about batch on the Java or .NET platforms.


Confusion over Configuration

My initial experiences with Oracle’s TopLink object-relational mapping tool have been less than pleasant. TopLink is the default Java Persistence API provider when creating persistence units for EJB3 style beans in NetBeans. When using TopLink out of the box with NetBeans, the tool’s default behavior is to behave in a case-sensitive fashion with respect to table and column names. This results in awful “Table XXXXX does not exist” errors, where XXXXX is, of course, the capitalized table name.


Netbeans Visual Web Pack Technology Preview Released

If you completely missed the milestone, NetBeans version 5.5 was released last week. The IDE contains all of the functionality that’s been around in the beta and pre-release versions for months now, including:


Java Versus .NET - The Race

I’m not well-versed in the nuances of NASCAR racing and don’t understand the spectacle very well so when I say this, please take it with a grain of salt. The whole Java versus .NET thing seems to me like a NASCAR race, one car edging ahead of the other and then again giving up ground to the competitor… on and on again for countless monotonous laps. I am in the process of re-immersing myself in the newer releases of Java. It has been years since I dealt with Java on a regular basis – the 1.1 through 1.4 days. This week, I had the chance to see a lightweight EJB 3 container in action, working through Oracle’s slick new IDE with integrated Java Server Faces (JSF) and Object Relational Mapping tool (Toplink, in this case) support. Suffice it to say that I was floored with the progress the Java community had made away from the monolithic J2EE / EJB 2.1 towards the lightweight model espoused by frameworks such as Spring. Just when it appeared that the Java car was pulling ahead ready to steal the race, along comes the announcement of the Community Technology Preview of ADO.NET vNext. NASCAR fans, we’ve got ourselves a race again. Below I offer a preview of some of the aforementioned technologies:


BSCoE4J Java Framework

The BSCoE4J Java application development framework was released today to the Commonwealth and is now available for download. The framework contains both abstract and concrete components that support the creation, manipulation, and persistence of domain objects. It interfaces well with, and is meant by no means to supplant, well-understood open source frameworks that address presentation layer, persistence layer, or domain object creation and discovery challenges.


Java Developers Journal Article - Active Authentication

Since I originally published my article on active authentication in the Java Developer’s Journal a couple of years back, I’ve been receiving a trickle of requests for the source code. It looks like the article is still available online although the accompanying source code seemed to have disappeared. I rummaged through my archives and dug up the WAR file containing the source code in case you’re interested. I can’t vouch for its absolute correctness. I seem to recall recreating the source code for a guy in Switzerland a couple of years back to run on Tomcat 5. I’m not sure if this is the version I’ve posted.